Ben and I are heading to Whistler Canada on Thursday morning. Next month is our 10 year anniversary so we are taking our first trip together since we had kids. True to my nature, I wasn't going anywhere without a deal. We are flying into Seattle and then driving to Whistler, this way we could use FREE mileage tickets on Southwest. We are staying at the Fairmont Chateau, which during the winter the rooms start at $800 per night. We got the room for $147!!! We're looking forward to hiking, ziptreking, and being in some cooler weather. But, first we have to get there. For those that know me at all, you know I am terrified of flying. I hate it in fact. I do not like giving my life over to someone I don't know, powerless to help the situation should one arise. I try to avoid flying if I can. But, after years of saying we would go somewhere together for our 10 year, it's finally here. I have to do it. I have to do this for Ben who thinks I am a big weeny. So, we updated our estate plan and off we go. We fly out Thursday morning and return Monday night. My babies are going to my parents house. Pray for us! Any prayers offered up asking us not to die in a plane crash will be greatly appreciated.