I had a whole entry typed up. I mean a long detailed explanation of what has been happening over the last 3 months. I was on fire, I gave witty comments AND pictures. Then when I was proof reading I pressed something on this dang laptop and it erased my entire entry! Try like I might I could not get it back. I almost threw this thing across the room. I can't retype it all. For one, I am creatively drained, and 2 I don't have time to redo the last 30 minutes worth of work. So here it is in a huge nutshell:
I haven't updated my blog in a long time because we moved into our home that took 11 months to build, I did Christmas, I overextended myself in volunteer work at my children's schools, GE cut my husband's salary and I was in a bad mood for a few weeks (and therefor not capable of speaking to other humans), I ripped the ligaments in my ankle stepping in a hole and I've been in a cast and my family has been on meltdown mode because I wasn't taking care of everything. And, now I can sorta walk on my walking boot so I am trying to get my life back to normal (I still can't drive though so I have no independance) and that includes blog updating.
Ok, so there it is. I've been a slacker and I will do better. Although if Holly keeps getting me hooked on good books I will never get anything done.
And because I had good pics posted before and I am not retyping the stories to go with them (maybe another day or time) here is a completely random picture of my dog sleeping on the stairs last week. Can you find her? She's mastered the camo thing.
I will post at least once a week now, unless the computer attacks me again......