We finally made it out of our candy coma today. Although, if Bran sneaks anymore candy, he's heading right back in it. Last night was really fun for the kids. We slummed for candy in one the sections of our new neighborhood. The part I am moving into currently has 2 occupied homes so we couldn't go there! The kids had a great time, although Tierney got quite nervous as the more scary costumes came out. Thanks to my friend Kim, she got the cutest ladybug costume. Brannon insisted on being the same dragon he was last year (the costume was big on him last year and barely fit him this year) so that made that one easy. This is the first year that Wes wanted to be something scary instead of a superhero. He was quite thrilled with himself but his sister and brother didn't want to get too close to him. On Thursday Bran had a costume party at his preschool and on Friday Elmo came to the galleria so we took the little ones to see him before trick or treating. Tierney was slightly afraid but it was priceless seeing and hearing her reaction. All 3 of these events are depicted in the photoshow:
And now for some random thoughts:
*Tierney's second birthday is Monday. I have so many mixed emotions about this one. On one hand, I love the 2-3 age, it's my favorite. On the other, I am sad that my last baby is not really a baby any longer. I am also having the mommy guilt. She doesn't have any little friends, like the boys did at this age, so we don't have any other little kids that are going to come over and help her celebrate. I can't help but think that if we were back in Mansfield she would have tons of little friends to play with.....
*I am so scared of this election. I know emotions are running high and I hope through all of that people are clearly voting on facts and not emotions. I still have yet to hear from ANYONE a single reason why Barak Obama should be/can be President of the most powerful country in the world. I think his election will be a mistake of monumental proportions and I worry for the future of this country. The last few days are like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I can only pray that people are finally starting to realize he's all fluff and the current media darling, and that does not make a good President. And, I know some of you who read this won't agree with me but too bad, it's my blog. :)
*My 3rd random thought that feel I just have to express is how much I HATE Walmart. All the reasons why I hate Walmart are too long for this post. Let's just say that I think that store is destroying the American economy and it always smells like pee and it deludes people into thinking they are getting a good deal on something when all they are getting is cheap crap. Ok, I'm done. For now......