Friday, November 7, 2008

And this is why I pray.....

I have found this blog is to me, very therapeutic. It is for this reason I post about what happened to us yesterday.
We had our final walk through at our house yesterday afternoon (we close today.) We were leaving and Ben buckled the kids in the car for me (we had Brannon and Tierney with us) while I stood in the driveway asking the builder a couple of questions about the care of our landscaping. About 3 houses down the street was an 18-wheeler Allied moving truck, moving in one of our neighbors. After Ben got the kids in their car seats he came up to us in the driveway (our van was parked along the curb) and was shaking hands with our builder when all of a sudden the semi truck goes by us, backing up. The next thing that happened was like watching it in slow motion. The semi did not back out correctly nor did it seem was he paying attention. It then started backing into the side of my van right where Brannon was sitting!! Ben and I immediately were screaming and running towards the semi- me towards the back (I think all the adrenaline in my body and thought it could just push the semi off my van) while Ben ran towards the driver. My real estate agent and builder were right behind us running and screaming as well. The driver had 2 mexican guys at the rear of the semi waving him back. When they realize the semi was running into my van they just stood there with dumb looks on their faces. I was screaming at them, "My babies are in the car, STOP, STOP!!!!!" The semi though didn't realize it was doing anything wrong and just kept easing into my van. The sound of the metal scraping and screeching and all the screaming from the 4 adults was ringing in my head. Somehow the dumb-ass driving the semi realized he was hitting something, he pulled forwarded and I was in the van immediately. My poor babies were screaming their heads off. The kids were unharmed, but very scared. I scooped both of them out (I don't even know how I had them out of those car seats so fast) and I was holding both of them in my lap on the ground and we were all crying. Brannon asked me the rest of the night why that big truck was trying to run into him. :( My throat still hurts this morning for all the yelling I was doing at the top of my lungs.
All the stuff that happened next took hours: police came, the mexicans guiding the truck backing up disappeared before the police showed up (and I mean literally they ran into the woods and were gone which means they were ILLEGALS, kids crying lots, van is in bad shape, 2 hours later we got to leave, Ben had to argue with Allied moving company's insurance and that conversation will continue today. They want to wait until next week to do anything but our back left tire is now flat and we need them to give us a rental car now because it's our only vehicle that fits our family and WE ARE MOVING TODAY AND SATURDAY!!!!
Every night before I go to bed, I go in and touch each of my kids on their heads and ask Jesus to keep them safe. I truly believe this prayer kept them safe yesterday. Now I am praying that God will help us get through the next couple of days without me having to do a stint in the insane asylum! Thank God my parents will be here this evening to help me!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Kara. I was crying as I read your post this evening. Praise God, praise God that Brannon and Tierney were safe after this horrific incident. I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this on top of moving this weekend. But I'm also moved by Jesus' Hand of protection.

Mapes said...

Thank the Good Lord you guys are okay...I cannot stop tearing up when I think about this happening and how terrified you all must have felt. We do have some pretty incredible Angels looking over us and I thank them and Our God for that everyday.

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

Kara! Oh my Lord! Thank God you managed to stop that guy. Poor Brannon asking why the truck wanted to hurt him. That's horrible. I cannot imagine. Breathe. You're getting the new house. It's going to go well.

Kim McCaslin Schlieker said...

get out!!! I cannot believe that story. I sounds like something you would see in a terrifying movie. Thank God they are safe, and not hurt.