As you well know, if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time, I have been working diligently on potty training Brannon for the last year. Just in the past few weeks, we've finally made it. He is consistently doing his thing on the potty. Now, over the past week or so, when I get Tierney undressed at night for her nap, she likes to go sit on the little toddler potty. She tells me, "I potty mama." I was pretty sure she didn't even know what she was supposed to do. Tonight, she had been sitting there for a few minutes, chatting away, when I took her off to put her in the tub and lo and behold... there was all kinds of stuff in there. I was SHOCKED!!! She did in that potty what took us a year to get from Brannon! I immediately started making a big deal about it and then she looked in there and burst into tears. In fact, she was terrified. She saw her big "deposit" and freaked out! Her whole body was trembeling and she cried and cried. I am not sure why but after talking to my mom and grandma, have learned this can be a normal reaction. So, here is a picture of Tierney when she realized what she did. We were clapping even though she wasn't so happy about the situation. I am now having dreams of not only getting one kid out of diapers, but dare I think 2!!! Oh the money I'll save......
Oh my gosh! That's so ironic! Makena tinkled for the first time tonight too!! She's been sitting on the potty for a couple of months now (at her own request - I think before 24 mo. is just too early to start potty training). But nothing has happened ... until tonight! I screamed so loud that my throat is seriously still sore. Pre-children I would NEVER have thought I'd get sooo excited about my child peeing in the toilet! But way to go Brannon AND Tierney!!
OK, I have to say that this is one of the funniest things I have ever read. You scared Tierney to death. Does your son and daughter know that the only reason you are really excited is because you will no longer be going to the store at 10pm to get diapers because you ran out, or that you had an emergency and never made it to the store to pick up more, they are on their last one and you are panicing because now you are in a place that you will not be leaving for a couple of hours, or is it truly because you really want to be buying power ranger underwear or dora panties - come on true confessions? LOL!!!
Go Tierney!!!
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