Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dear Santa....

My kids are so excited! I love the excitement they have this time of year, but it's also a little hard to channel all that energy into good! We do keep trying to hit on the point that Christmas is not just about getting presents. I think Wes internalizes that point for all of 10 minutes and then he's back to talking about some Nerf dart tag game. I guess I should be glad for those 10 minutes, it's probably 7 minutes longer than most 7-year olds!

Brannon has now figured out that elves aren't going to eat him (thank to the movie Polar Express he kinda likes them now!) All he wants are dinosaurs, but "real ones" he says. Ok, I am sure SAnta will get right on that!

Here's a picture of Wes giving Santa his Christmas list, and explaining the finer points of that list to him, just in case Santa needed to know. (Santa was nice enough to stop by our neighborhood with one of his reindeer on Sunday. Brannon about passed out!)
Happy Birthday Aunt Gail! Our birthdays are exactly a week apart. Next year when we are living in the same city, we will have to have a big 'ol celebration together! Have a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, how fun. I can tell your house is gonna have some serious fun in another week or so.