What could I be talking about here? I literally haven't fallen (lately anyway)...nor am I talking about my toddler.... nor I am I talking about the temps here in Texas. Hormones people, hormones! Since Tierney turned one, I quit nursing last week. For the first time in 3 1/2 years, I am not nursing or pregnant. Which means the estrogen is on the free fall! It's been so long, they don't even know what bottom is. So, as you can imagine, I am quite the pleasant person now. Mostly though, it's the migraines. I have gotten an ocular migraine (where I lose my vision for 30 minutes) every day since last Saturday. With Ben gone, I am single mommy during the week (with having to keep the house in sales mode at all times- ugh stress!) It's quite scary to go blind with the little ones running around. But, the good news my neurologist says, is when my hormones bottom out and level off, this should stop. Again, it's been so long, they're just in a free fall! And where they'll stop, nobody knows......
I hope you feel better soon. That sucks.
Hey, Kara! I think your blog is a great connection to "the world" while you are a stay-at-home mom. If only blogs were around way back when I did the same..... Wait a minute -- I didn't even learn how to turn a computer ON until my kids were in junior high! LOL! ...Love it, Kara - I will be checking back when I need a "young child" fix or a good chuckle!
~Auntie B.
Nice blog
Sorry to hear about the ocular migraines! PS Austin rocks -Im so jealous!! DR Tate
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