The house is slowly (well, too slow for us) but surely coming along. The frame is on it's way up but here is a picture of my family (Wes is standing behind Brannon) on our foundation (taken last week.) The view can't be seen from here but you can see the plethora of trees in the back yard. Also, the back of the house is about 8 feet up from the ground- all solid foundation. It's exciting to watch our house being built!
Secondly, take some time today to be thankful for the foundation you've been given. I think we all know how fleeting and fragile life is, but sometimes it just has to slap you in the face. A friend of mine, Meredith Hatch was killed this past Sunday. She was training for a race (cycling) and riding with her trainer on a neighborhood street Sunday morning when she was struck by a truck going over 60 mph, driven by a drunk driver. This was a senseless, stupid tragedy. She was the director of the preschool Wesley went too in Mansfield. She knew every child and every parent that walked through that door. She always had a smile on her face and she made every child feel important and special. She was a mom of 3 young boys and only 38. I think the one thing I can do to honor her life and make since of her death is to be so thankful for everything I have been given, because everyday is a gift.