Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My baby is 1!

I was sitting here looking at pictures of Tierney from her first birthday and I just can't believe how fast this year has gone by! It's fun watching my children grow but I will always miss holding that little newborn! So here's my girl enjoying her very first piece of cake....she liked it!

Ad in the spirit of birthdays, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNY! You should eat your cake just like Tierney did!


Erin Martinez said...

Happy Birthday! I could have sworn Tierney and I shared a Nov. 3 birthday but it could've been the tens of other babies born last year!

Have a good year, baby!

Kings said...

No Erin, you're right you do share the same b-day. But, like the frazzled mom I am, with the upcoming move and then Bran being sick, I just haven't had a chance to weed through the 40 picsw I took of that day to find "the perfect fit!" ~Kara